Attendance and Cancellation Policy

Please ensure you read this policy carefully before booking your Assessment appointment.

Rescheduling: Please contact our service as soon as possible if you need to cancel your assessment and you will be able to reschedule with us.

Non-Attendance: If you do not attend your assessment appointment you will be discharged from our service back to the care of your GP but will still be able to contact us to re-access the service. In this case, you will receive a letter to confirm you have been discharged and information on what you can do next.

Substance Misuse: You are required to abstain from illegal substances or alcohol use 48 hours prior to your appointment. If you are unable to maintain this agreement, please contact the service.

If you are currently dealing with issues related to alcohol or drug addiction, we request that this is an area you address with you GP prior to engaging with IAPT therapy services.

Please note: Our therapists have the right to turn you away if you arrive under the influence of illegal substances or alcohol.

Working Together Brings Better Results

Communication between both you and our service is important. Please endeavour to keep us up to date with any changes in details or situations.

The assessor will contact you using the contact details you have provided and only leave messages with your permission. An automated SMS service is offered by us if you would like to be reminded of your appointments by text to your mobile.


If you are unable to attend a booked appointment, or have any queries, please contact us by telephone on 01795 591019 or by email at