Celebrating Pride Month

In amongst all the Jubilee Celebrations you will have no doubt have seen many businesses and organisations changing their logos to utilise the Pride Flag to show support for the LGBTTQQIAAP communities.

The question has been what is FCS Talking Therapies doing to recognise this month?  

The answer is simple, we are doing what we do everyday of every week and that is offering support where we can.

So how could Talking Therapies help:

It might not be easy, but getting help with issues you're struggling to deal with on your own is one of the most important things you can do.

Talking with a therapist works with the LGBTQIA+ community may help with issues such as:

Depression, anxiety, low self-esteem, coping with bullying and discrimination, plus if you are struggling with the following symptoms:

  • feel tired or lack energy

  • feel tearful

  • shut yourself away from people

  • no longer want to do things you used to enjoy

  • use alcohol or drugs to help you cope with your feelings

  • harm yourself or have thoughts about self-harming

  • thoughts of suicide

A good additional resource of information can be found here.

However please note we are not a Crisis Centre and if you feel at risk of harming yourself or can't keep yourself safe CALL 999 for immediate support.

Finally if you are wondering what all the letters mean, they stand for: 

Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Transsexual, Queer, Questioning, Intersex, Ally, Asexual, Pansexual

Happy Pride Month!


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